Tuesday, December 1, 2009


With the lead up to 'Silly Season' in FNQ, comes the build up of temperatures and humidity as the wet season approaches...This is the Tropical stuff that many people find hard to cope with...It can affect peoples moods and sometimes even their logic...
This 'condition' is locally known as Mango Fever or Troppo season.
Living where we do, fortunately, affords us a constant sea breeze which takes the edge of the the 'uncomfortableness' you can feel...and you become increasingly thankful for the invention of air conditioners.
It's the time of year when you look forward to the storms and rain to cool the air temperature and humidity...which they do temporarily anyway.

So whats been happening?
Received a wonderful birthday present from my daughter Carina..just after I wrote the last blog...A portrait of Me as seen through her eyes!

Our friends Craig and Bev arrived...they were here last year...came for 3 days and stayed 7 weeks!...Since then they have sold their home in NSW and bought a larger caravan, another vehicle to tow it and now 'live on the road'...

Here they are having just arrived and in process of setting up.
We've nicked named his van 'the Shadow' because of its size...'blocks out the sun!'....Welcome back guys!

Because we live in a coastal flat area (a surge zone actually) I bought myself a bike to get around the local area...you see so much more and can get to places where cars can't... so when Im not working I go for a ride in the early am when its cooler and explore...good exercise too!

The weather has been great for the fishing enthusiasts the last few weeks...

Heres Joan with the 20kg Cobia she caught with her husband Bob from their boat.

Fed the whole camp that night.

Dawn proudly holding her Fingermark...

Al...affectionately known as Big Al was in need of a haircut and it was decided that  I should be the one to give him a No 3...Bev helped with the final touches...

Early openers...Looks like an open air barber shop!

He's a smooth looking dude now!
Ellen and Lowther hitched up this morning...they've been here for 19 months and are heading back to Adelaide for Christmas and a family wedding....they will be back in April...We will miss you!

 Sunrise yesterday before I headed off to work...

Looking forward to the 28th December when my son Ben and his wife Toni, and my daughter Rachel and partner Jeremy arrive to spend a few days here...


:) :) :)