Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Life is Good

Well Bev and Craig, our neighbours for near on 2 months, have moved on home again...Home being Narrabi NSW...Seems strange to have an empty sight nextdoor again and we miss them.
Here they are relaxing in the shade of the Cassurina Tree on the beach watching for the tug on their fishing lines 'planted' down on the shore.

Craigs' caught something!
That is Port Douglas you can see in the background (the darker hump) and the hills on the way to Cairns beyond that again.

On 15thFeb we celebrated Patricks 68th Birthday

The temperatures have been pretty high here of late, not to mention the humidity...

Got in my car after work one day last week and thought my hair had grown a few inches that day!!!...then realised the ceiling had come down from the heat inside the car...

Have had a new one put in and the guy that did it for me said its a very common occurence up here in the tropics!
Someone managed to catch a Sea Horse by accident in his net and it was taken around the camp in a bucket for all to see...and then released back into the sea. Never seen a live one before!
Went out for a bit of a 'tiki tour' (kiwis will know that phrase), a drive to the Tablelands and took some photos along the way (as you do!)

This is one of the views from Hallorans Hill in Atherton...the blue patch of water in the distance is Lake Tinaroo that provides basically all the water for the surrounding towns and irrigation to the farms and extensive orchards for many miles around via canals.

The Tableland area has beautiful rich red soil and is the 'Fruit Bowl' so to speak, of Far North Queensland.Crops grown here in large amounts are things like Mangos, Avocados, Lychees, Citrus, Olives, Potatoes, Peanuts, Corn and Maize to name but a few.

This view beyond the sculpture is of Mt Belleden Kerr (the top of which is actually behind that cloud on the right).Mt Bellenden Kerr is Qld's second highest mountain...Bartle Frere that lies beyond that and not seen in the photo being the highest.
Hans and I climbed Mt Bellenden Kerr together in 2004...

This was the spillway at Lake Tinaroo Dam...it is 100% full at present.

Had to include a couple of pic's of flowers...Love em...

Delightful Terrestial Orchids found on Hallorans Hill.
Lantana...I know!!!...its considered a weed and a pest, but the flowers are beautiful and I love the smell of them...

Decided to take the Black Mountain 'Road' home...there's been a bit of rain round here lately...so the creeks were up and the road a bit sludgy at times...but we were doing great, then...
Hello!!!...a tree across the track...not just a little tree either, but also plenty of waitawhile (a nasty bush with spikes and hooks) and other stringy vegetation....didn't have anything on board that could tackle this (heh...we were only out for a 'Sunday Drive'!)...so we had to turn back and take the long route home...
On route saw a tiny two striped dragon who was quite timid and curious...

Can you see him?...He is well camoflauged!

Mt Molloy..and as we passed through noticed that they were starting to reveal (by way of moving the vegetation there) the old steam engine that used to power the saw mill.

Quote for the week...

Monday, February 9, 2009

February Fushing!...As they reckon I say!

*Firstly today being the 10th of Feb...a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Son Ben!

Love You X X X

This blog is becoming a bit fishy of late!...Been doing a lot of fishing recently with interesting catches...in fact each time I throw the line in and catch something, its never the same species!

I must have a good supply of male hormones as the 'Hunter/Gatherer' instinct is strong in me!
I am out there on the beach, rod in hand at every opportunity!

Caught a beautiful fish called a Thread Fin Salmon which we had for dinner ...delicimo!

A bit of advice being given by Jimmy Bull...

Each time I catch something I have to ask the fishermen in the camp "What is it and can we eat it?"
Caught this Shovel Nose Shark...it put up a good fight!..they say you can eat em but we let it go...

Hans has invested in a stinger suit...to ensure he doesn't get stung by stingers and jelly fish when out casting for prawns...

Another meal provided by the sea...

Check out this classy stubby holder that was given to Lowther by his daughter!...
Comes with a hat to keep the flies out of your beer!

Jimmy Bull and Lowther at Early Openers...

Ellen...Lowthers wife.

Due to the downturn in work in the Tourism industry at the moment, Hans has decided to start a lawnmower repair and service business...He is a qualified small engine mechanic amongst his many other talents...Today he completed his first job...The camp lawnmower which gave up the ghost some weeks ago and was in dire need of new blades etc...

So if you live locally and tune into this blog and you need your mower/generator...anything with a small engine...Hans is the man you need to call!!!...How thats for a bit of personal advertising!

And so because the camp lawnmower is now running beautifully...I took it for a test run and mowed all the grass areas in the camp, much to the amusement of all the men who gave me lots of unnecessary advice (as only men can!)...Two and a half hours later, and having dripped away 2 litres of sweat...the camp grassed areas are again looking tame!

Quote for the week...

It may be a bit hard to read...the quote says. 'Life is a Gift...Unwrap your Present'
The featured flower is the Kapok flower.

:) :) :)