Saturday, June 21, 2008

Spirit of the Place

"Simple Living frees you to Simply Live"

Sunday 22nd June
Off we go then!!!...Well not quite yet....Just setting up this blog and seeing how it all works....practice makes perfect!...I will be writing this site as we travel and Hans will be doing the more 'professional stuff' on our website so check out what he's creating also...
Wednesday 25th June is D day...Departure day!!!...a day we have long planned for...we are excited and itching to get out there!...Suzy...our trusty Suzuki Jimny is packed and ready to go...she will be our 'home' for the next 6months to a year...
Its been an amazingly complex and sometimes frustrating process to 'extricate ourselves from society'...but it's nearly done now!
So now Ive done my little preamble and got a handle on how this site works.
If you would like to communicate with me/us through this site just hit the 'post a comment' and talk to me!!!! Diana :)